About Us

In early 2022, Jennifer Corbet (a long-term resident of the west Denver foothills communities) left the world of technical writing and set out to build something positive for the community in her little corner of the world.
With the help of Best Version Media and the generosity of a passel of community-minded businesses, that idea evolved into three local neighborhood magazines: Foothills Living, Evergreen Living, and Conifer-285 Living. These are all monthly publications written by, for, and about the local residents and the neighborhoods in which they live.
Foothills Living serves residents in the Lookout Mountain, Genesee, Chief Hosa, El Rancho, and Kerr Gulch neighborhoods. Evergreen Living goes to residents in Evergreen. Conifer-285 Living, naturally, goes to Conifer residents. All of our publications are directly mailed to homeowners in their areas each month.
These three publications are part of a portfolio of dozens of others across the Front Range, all spearheaded by local publishers in their areas. Each month, the content in the publications celebrates the communities that we live in–and there is SO much to celebrate! Our publishers love to spotlight local families, athletes, nonprofits, kids, organizations, events and so much more. In addition, many local residents aren’t just readers, they are our writers, too!
Residents send in articles, stories and pictures to our publications and we love to share them. Click here if you would like to submit content to your local magazine, or visit our Advertiser’s Page if you would like to learn about becoming one of the generous business sponsors that bring these publications to our communities.
Our Mission
Learn - about our neighbors and our community.
We share ideas, stories, pictures and events. We are residents with a passion for our community. Do you know a resident or family with an amazing story or special talent? Tell us about them!
Share - find and recommend the best, local trusted businesses with out neighbors.
We rely on the support of our sponsors/advertisers each month. They care about our community and want to earn your business. Please thank our advertisers by hiring and recommending them. Do you know an amazing business that would like to be a part of our community? We’d love to talk to them.
Support - local businesses, worthy causes, schools, charities, nonprofits and fundraisers.
We support nonprofits, charities, worthy organizations, and events. Do you have a worthy cause that we should support?
Please reach out to us.
Our Ideal Client
- Has a five-year plan for growth.
- Would like to concentrate more business in their immediate area and stay off the highways.
- Needs a way to educate people on what they do and why they’re different.
- Wants more clients that see the value of their work and look at more than just the price.
- Would like to do larger jobs.
- Wants to increase their word of mouth referrals.
- Is sick of coupons that attract someone who is only looking for the best price.
- Would like to attract a client that wants a relationship and not a discount.
What We Do
You can learn more about our company and what we do on our parent company, Best Version Media‘s website.
What is an Expert Contributor?
The expert contributor position allows you to write educational pieces that position you as the expert in your field, and builds name recognition and trust with our residents.
We only allow one expert contributor per specialty, so don’t miss out!
Other Markets
We have thousands of magazines across the United States and Canada, including over 30 Front Range publications.
Where are you looking to grow your business?
- Applewood Living
- Black Forest Friends and Neighbors
- Briargate & Pine Creek Friends and Neighbors
- Broadmoor Friends & Neighbors
- Conifer Living
- Cordera & Wolf Ranch Neighbors
- Denver Central Park Living
- Erie Friends & Neighbors
- Evergreen Living
- Falcon Friends & Neighbors
- Foothills Living
- Fossil Ridge Neighbors
- Garden of the Gods Friends & Neighbors
- Golden Living
- Greeley Living
- Green Mountain Neighbors
- Hayden Lake Neighbors
- Hometown Westminster
- Ken Caryl Living
- Monument Living
- Neighbors of Northeast Castle Rock
- Neighbors of Northwest Arvada
- Northern Springs Living
- Orchard Living
- Palmer Divide Living
- Pinery Friends & Neighbors
- Reunion Living
- SW Littleton Living
- Timnath Neighbors
- Todd Creek Living
- West Highland Living
- West Loveland Neighbors
- Wheat Ridge Living
- Woodland Park Living